Tyler Gall, Critical Care Paramedic, Midwest medical transport

Over the past decade, Tyler has consistently demonstrated an unparalleled commitment to Midwest Medical Transport's mission and the communities we serve. His longevity with the organization speaks volumes about his dedication to the field of emergency medical services. Tyler's enduring enthusiasm and steadfastness have undoubtedly contributed to our organization's success and growth.

Tyler has not only been a remarkable Critical Care Paramedic but also a mentor and role model to new EMTs joining the company. His willingness to share insights, provide guidance, and foster a sense of camaraderie has had a profound impact on the development of our team. Tyler's leadership by example promotes unity and a positive work environment that benefits both colleagues and patients.

In his free time, Tyler enjoys riding motorcycles, grilling out, smoking meat, and spending time with his wife and children.

Congratulations, Tyler!

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